We're building India's best health cover. Are you in?
We're building India's best health cover. Are you in?

We're building India's best health cover. Are you in?

We’re Even and we’re on a mission to build a new kind of health cover. One that keeps you healthy and out of hospitals.

We make staying healthy easy and affordable through free consultations and tests and guided care plans that help you prevent and fight lifestyle diseases. Along with our insurance partners, we ensure our members spend their savings on things they love rather than see them go away towards medical/hospital bills. With every interaction with us, we want our members to feel free.

The goal is ambitious. If we are successful, we will be affecting millions of lives and creating a phenomenally valuable company.

To have a chance of pulling this off, we’re going to need incredible people and, together, form an unstoppable team.

Who Are We Looking For?

We enjoy working with people with ambition and a desire to be the best. But that doesn’t mean they have to be our personality match. Or be interested in the same things as we are.

If you can show us something cool you’ve done in the past: big or small, we at Even will love hearing from you. Feel free to surprise us!

🔀Our Hiring Process💸Compensation💃🏽Benefits, Days off, Expenses & Reimbursements😋Open Roles @Even🥳You're In!👯Meet the Team👩🏾‍💻What Is Day To Day Like At Even?