Title: @Even: Engineering Director
A little bit about me:
I got my first taste of real-world impact back in college. In my final year at IIT Kanpur, the chairman of JEE (Join Entrance Examination) contacted me to lead the engineering team for JEE Advanced 2018, the first time it was held completely online. I never forgot the experience of organizing something at a country scale, and the kick I got from knowing that I was working on something that millions of people will see and use.
Right after college, I went with the corporate path and joined Google as a software engineer. While I learnt a lot in the three years I worked there, I kept missing the thrill of being in the midst of the action. I missed working on problems that would translate to solutions that others could see and appreciate. Now, at Even I'm beginning to re-visit that feeling on a regular basis.
When I'm not working, I'm usually re-watching TV shows, tinkering with electronics or designing models I can print with my 3d-printer. Oh, and I'm also a Trekkie ;)